the problem occur when two routers connected via frame-relay switch (2522 router), the configuration on switch is correct as well as on both routers, the loop back interface has been made on RB router i.e RB has, while at RA router the static router is defined as
ip route serial 0
it was not able to send packets to when run debug, it got error like encapsulation failed, now when it replaced the static route with next hop ip it was working fine, why ????
When a layer3 packet is going to be sent out, the router must know the layer 2 header to encapsulate the Layer3 packet.In this case, it must know which dlci number (as well as other layer2 information) to encap the IP packet. If you only indicate a connected interface for the static route, and there are many dlci numbers on this interface, the router will not know which dlci number to use and thus gives you a encapsulation failure message.
On the other hand, if you indicate a next-hop address on the static route and there is a frame-relay map which maps a dlci number to this next-hop address , the router will know the exact dlci number to encapsulate the ip packet and the packet will be sent out successfully.